Saturday, May 31, 2003

Lightning does NOT strike in Auschwitz:
Bush periodically wiped tears from his eyes, exhaling deeply at one point as
if to compose himself and later pulling out a handkerchief as he and the
first lady walked through the complex.

Friday, May 30, 2003

bush back to family fortune roots
ABC Morning show on the French thingy

It started with a nice little film of romantic Paris, had Woody Allen saying: "Why should I Freedom kiss my wife when I can French kiss her? and then the French ambassador here - on a good will tour in the country saying that while he wouldn't say the government sponsored the hate campaign, some people in the goivernment certainly encouraged it. They mentioned Rice's and Powell "punishing France' remarks with the ambassador comments : "this punishing business is ridiculous - just because we don't agree on matters of war and peace". Quoted jokes from Leno and Letterman with the Ambassador's comment that fostering hatred of other people because of their nationality is not funny, it's racism. Pretty satisfying piece, I'd say.

Thursday, May 29, 2003

Out ... Why O'Neill Was Fired
It's coming out now why Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill was fired. He commissioned a report on the consequences of Bush tax cuts and refused to modify the findings. The report was published anyhow, and it predicts that baby boomers won't be able to retire. Bush has removed any reference to it from his 2004 budget.


Sunday, May 25, 2003

snotglass on our comments on a decaying Jenna (BC Forum)

"You people should be ashamed of yourselves..."    

You are disgracing the sanctity of the American political process by your scurillious attacks and
inappropriate comments about the daughter of a constitutionally elected President. It is exactly
this kind of liberal tactic that repels Americans from participation in the politics of the American
You are conveniently ignoring the fact that this impressionable young lady spent much of her
formative years during the permissive Clinton administration, with the immoral, anything-goes
example set by the disgraceful personal example of Clinton and his corrupt cronies.
Recent research by the William Bennet Center for Popular Morality at the Heritage Foundation
has revealed the extent of the moral decay inflicted on American family values during the Clinton
years. Noted child psychologist Jonah Goldberg lent his considerable and respected erudition to
the findings of this study.

? Controversy -Von Rex's last word

"Is that your contention, or not?"
Author Von Rex    
Author Info Member since Apr 24th 2002
683 posts
Date Sun May-25-03 04:20 AM

In response to Reply #17

Don't ask the Pat Robertson style "Is it possible?" questions. State what you believe. Did these two "question mark campaigns" arise independently or not?

I say it's pretty clear that it was American Stranger's idea.
Point 1: You guys even acknowlege that on your site, now. I quote:
"How did QuestionW get started?
Originally from ideas by American Stranger, Bartcop, and Take Back the Media. Jeff Matson suggested using the ? as a meme, in a post at Democratic Underground Within 48 hours, forum participants had voted on a name, created graphics, contributed artwork, and nabbed domain names. ProTalion, the new Progressive Communications division of created web pages and is publicizing Question W. Global Free Press is hosting the permanent site, which will soon be up at The concept has been picked up by many weblogs, and has been covered by BuzzFlash and What Really Happened. "
Point 2: This isn't the first time your associates have tried to rip American Stranger off. A certain sleazebag named Sterling, of GlobalFreePress, who hosts your site, once bluntly asserted to Stranger that he was compiling all of Stranger's "?" videos on CD and selling it as a commercial venture. That idea got squashed, and it inspired the same childish reaction we saw this week. I'm not sure we need allies like this.
So you might want to consider these points before maintaining that your friends came up with their idea entirely independently. That is, unless you just want to ask me how serious I think the struggle against W is. That's a dodge whose arrogance and dishonesty rivals the GOP's famous "why do you hate America?" as the one-fit answer to all inconvenient questions.

Friday, May 23, 2003

From Bartcop Forum:
"the Bush economy... is our national roommate"
Author writerman    

For all his foreign conquests, his flight suits, his smarmy glad handing, his teeny weeny... tax
cuts, even terror threats...
those are external to every working American's life. It's stuff on TV or in the papers. In the final
analysis it's far removed from day to day living.
The Buscho economy LIVES with us. It is our roommate. And an angry, contentious one at that.
It sits down at our dinner tables and serves us hamburger when we wanted steak or lobster.
It interferes with our plans for our kids when it won't let us send them to that football camp cuz
it may just take away our jobs.
It won't let us go on vacation because it may take away our jobs next quarter.
It rides around with us when we take our kids shopping for summer gear and instead of turning
into SportMart it jerks the steering wheel into PlayItAgain Sports.
It accuses us angrily of not planning very well for our kids' college tuition--because we've had to
use that money for the mortgage payments or that nest-egg we put away has lost 1/2 its value.
It comes in with the mail and waves the latest credit card bills in our faces and says, "how the
f#ck are you gonna pay for all this??? hunh??"
It rides to work with us every day and mocks us: "you think all those doors are closed down the
hall cuz they're gonna give you peons RAISES??? ha ha!"
It gets in bed with us and keeps us awake with its loud snoring about how much longer we'll have
to work now that we can't depend on our investments to cover even a quarter of our salaries.
It pours us another drink or rolls us another doob (oh, hell, maybe both) while it laughs and
reminds us that the Dow just went up another 100 pts on the latest enormous increase in jobless
It is a daily constant reminder of the failures and lies at the highest levels of our government.


Thursday, May 22, 2003

Cover-up memo:

To: Captains

Any notes, correspondence, photos, etc. that were obtained pursuant to the absconded House of Representative members shall be destroyed immediately. No copies are to be kept. Any questions please contact me.

L.C. "Tony" Marshall
Commander, DPS Special Crimes Service

Conason Diary:

The editors of Slate did Sidney Blumenthal an unintentional service today by publishing Michael Isikoff's seething response to "The Clinton Wars"; his review displays the Washington mind-set that is a principal theme of Blumenthal's controversial memoir: The capital press corps remains righteous, long after being proved utterly wrong.

Wednesday, May 21, 2003

Blumenthal's Quote of the Day:

Hannity apparently liked the book, we had a good time together; he seemed to like talking to
someone with a different point of view. We talked about the Starr inquisition. I asked him, "Would
it have helped the country if JFK had been investigated for his affair with an intern by a Ken
Starr during the Cuban missile crisis?"
Tomasky: Tone Deaf
"The Weekly Standard's Matt Labash has gotten it, and he made some
statements to the other day that were a little too revealing. Asked why
conservative media have become more popular in recent years, he replied: "Because they feed
the rage. We bring the pain to the liberal media. I say that mockingly, but it's true somewhat. We
come with a strong point of view, and people like point-of-view journalism. While all these
hand-wringing Freedom Forum types talk about objectivity, the conservative media likes to rap
the liberal media on the knuckles for not being objective. We've created this cottage industry in
which it pays to be un-objective. It pays to be subjective as much as possible. It's a great way to
have your cake and eat it, too. Criticize other people for not being objective. Be as subjective as
you want. It's a great little racket. I'm glad we found it, actually."

Monday, May 19, 2003

Ironic Times:
Bush, in “Gutsy Move,” Defies NRA
Backs extension of ban on private ownership of Tomahawk missiles.
FBI Paid Chinese Spy $1.7 Million
But Chinese paid her $1.8 million.
Lawrence Livermore Nuclear

Bush Returns to Aircraft Carrier, Films Several More Landings
“Additional footage was needed,” says White House aide

Saturday, May 17, 2003

Who lied about WMD? According to Adelman, Saddam, of course:
“It’s just very strange,” said Kenneth Adelman, a member of a Pentagon advisory board who had predicted weapons would be found a month ago. “There will certainly not be the quantity and proximity that we thought of before.” Adelman says Hussein may even have launched “a massive disinformation campaign to make the world think he was violating international norms, and he may not have been.”
Daily Enron's pick:
Can You Believe They *&^%$# Said That?

"Where did this idea come from that everybody deserves free education? Free
medical care? Free whatever? It comes from Moscow. From Russia. It comes
straight out of the pit of hell."

-- Texas State Rep. Debbie Riddle (R-Houston). "Bucking the Texas Lockstep," by Molly
Ivins. The Washington Post, May 15, 2003.

Friday, May 16, 2003

Daily Howler on media types:

In essence, Blumenthal’s book describes the interaction between two distinct classes—Ivins’ group of “Shiite Republicans” and Maslin’s simpering insider press corps. Maslin’s class gains from Bush’s tax cuts, and doesn’t much care about anything else. They aren’t Shiite Republicans themselves, but if you want to get to the Hamptons by noon, it’s better to humor Molly Ivins’ gang of crazies. So Maslin pretends that Coulter has done Big Research, and pretends that Blumenthal is making weird statements. Then she’s out the door for the weekend. But then, her type has always behaved this way.
James Wolcott - Vanity Fair:

" Bush is no more of a genuine cowboy (roping steers, farting by the campfire) than Ronald Reagan was. In fact, he's further removed from reality. Reagan was an actor who played cowboys in movies and became a politician. Bush is a politician who pretends to be a cowboy in order to remind us of Ronald Reagan...His being a double copy - a Warholian fake of a fake - hasn't kept the press from rolling out a red carpet for every Bush production, including the liberation of Iraq..."

The liberated speak:
"Under Saddam we lived in fear, now we live in terror from crime and we live in poverty," said Othman, a taxi driver queuing to fill up his car with petrol.

>>>>> said U.S. officials never expected that "we were going to open garages and find" weapons of mass destruction.
That statement represents a dramatic change from rhetoric from Bush and other top officials before the war, backed up by a steady stream of documents, all of which are still accessible on the White House web site.

Thursday, May 15, 2003

New Mexico AG on request to pursue Texas Dems:
"Some are speculating this request from the Texas Governor's office concerns an effort to locate missing Texas House Democrats," Madrid wrote. "If so, Texas should understand that since ski season is over, the Santa Fe Opera has not begun and President Bush was just in town, I don't think they are in Santa Fe now. Nevertheless, I have put out an all-points bulletin for law enforcement to be on the look out for politicians in favor of health care for the needy and against tax cuts for the wealthy."
More on bush as "sexy":

LIDDY: Well, I—in the first place, I think it’s envy. I mean, after all, Al Gore had to go get some woman to tell him how to be a man . And here comes George Bush. You know, he’s in his flight suit, he’s striding across the deck, and he’s wearing his parachute harness, you know—and I’ve worn those because I parachute—and it makes the best of his manly characteristic."
As Chris Floyd dubbed it "basking in the man-musk of sailors" - Karl&co think it'll rub off, but they only reveal their own sick fantasies - and we should spresd this manure.
The man who said "There'll be no sex in the White House" doesn't need a woman next to him for making him desirable (Pickles has been rightfully discarded as a prop by Karl). Everyone knows that women when they are alone, they open their "Guns and Ammo" magazines to drool over the manly armed guys bonding with each other. Well, at least, Karl, Gordon, Rush and Chris are positive about it.
SNL already picked on this rich gold mine - I hope Bartcop. John Stewart, Robin Williams, Chris Rock and even Bill Maher jump at the opportunity.
For me, it will be karmic justice for the cock
Selling W as sex symbol:

I thought Tweety was an aberration, but then I read this letter to MWO:
Dear Horse,
Methinks that Karl Rove must be blast faxing again, because Tweety the
Screamer is NOT the only one in the throes of gushing hormones over the
Monkey in a Flight Suit.
For the full 7 minutes I could stand to listen today, Rush verbally
oogled that Monkey, AND that flight suit, and even treated us his
opinion on just how badly soccer moms all across 'Murica wanted to unzip
it. Then, he stated, in that unequivocal manner he's known for, that no
matter how many women ever wanted Clinton, THEY ALL REALLY WANT Chimpy
McPresident so much more...
As a woman, let me just say, eeeuuwww..."
To wich I add:
I mean, I remember when they were saying that he reads big books and quotes philosophers - that's an illusion that can be achieved (if the subject STFU). But sex appeal? I mean, this bunch thinks that Madison Ave can sell anything to anyone but they forget one thing: while all the models, actors, bad singers get plenty of help with make up, microphones and PR, there must be SOMETHING there which cannot be manufactured ("there is no there there"). Just cuz Rove is infatuated with that thing, it doesn't follow that he can make third parties get excited by the rat. This is no longer a matter of intelligence or brainwashing - but basic preservation of species: we do not get attracted by another regnum.

Wednesday, May 14, 2003

AUSTIN, Texas - Democrats who fled to a Holiday Inn in Oklahoma to thwart a Republican drive to redraw the state's congressional districts spent their second day on the lam Tuesday talking to jovial constituents who made the trek across the state line to show their support.

Crossfire gem:

BEGALA: Well you know where your tax dollars are going? Our federal
Department of Homeland Security was used to try to track these guys
down(Texas dems). We got seven Americans killed by terrorists this week
and Bush is using the Homeland Security Department for partisan ends
(ph)? Shame on him. That's a waste of taxpayers' money. That's what we
ought to be concerned about, young lady.

CARLSON: And if that were true, I would be concerned.

BEGALA: From the left -- that's true. It was reported in today's

CARLSON: Bush did not use it. Untrue.

BEGALA: Bush is the president. It's his department. From the left, I am
Paul Begala. That's it for CROSSFIRE.

CARLSON: And from the right, I'm Tucker Carlson. Join us again tomorrow
for another edition of CROSSFIRE.

Tuesday, May 13, 2003

bush will hunt those responsible for the SA bombings

Sure, Bunnypants! Strap on that sock and leave no cave or bunker behind! Yeepeekyooo!

Sunday, May 11, 2003

DU Post:DrBB (1722 posts) May-11-03, 09:35 PM (ET)
The Abe Lincoln photo op may have been a major misstep, but not for any of the reasons I've read so far.

I'm thinking about the timing and apparent (if still nascent) traction of Graham's 9/11 story. Suddenly Graham is on the pundit shows big time, Karl doesn't seem to have been ready for it, and suddenly the ultimate buzz-provoking words "cover-up" are hitting the mainstream media in regards to 9/11.

Why do I think the Abe Lincoln Photo Op was a misstep in regard to this? Simple. Because--get this--Rove just declared a moratorium on the "criticism of President in Time of War" meme!

Oh yes he did. And he knows it, too. He tried to back pedal, this week, because I think he saw what could happen. "War not over," he said when someone mentioned this at a speech he gave. "Battle of Iraq, not War of Iraq," he admonished, "get that straight." Oh but we DON'T have it straight, Karl, and it's far too late to "correct" that perception. Big world-thumping victory speeches don't come after Battles, Karl, not the way this Iraq thing was hyped, not with Bush flying in and his hard-on showing through the flight suit. Oh far too late to put that genie back in the bottle.

And so Karl getting all cold sweaty and hoping nobody notices. But somebody does. Graham has somebody smart on his staff, or maybe he's a smart man himself. I hope to effing god he is. But any rate, what we got here is an an open door. We got, Go ahead and charge the castle boys cuz they just lowered the bridge and raised the portcullis! and it was Karl's own hand hauling down on the hawser.

Another DUer noticed how many AWOL stories and editorials we're suddenly seeing, some of 'em in some pretty unlikely places. Salt Lake City f'rinstance, not known as an anti-Bush bastion (even if the piece was a little lilly-livered, it's an index of the story's new legs).

We're talking traction potential here, and it's happening not in the befuddled consciousness (if any) of the General Public, but in that much more essential and critical spot, the news room

We got no Iraq to cover just now, say the reporters. Well, what DO we got? say the Editors. Well, we got a little Bush AWOL stuff. Not bad, sez the editor. What else you got, you no-longer-embedded good for nothing slackers? Well, there's this here 9/11 Cover Up story, how's that sound?

Sounds good, sez the editor. Sounds real good.
Norman Mailer wrote to Dennis Miller
 Reprinted from 5/8 Wall Street Journal

 Dear Dennis,

 Just because the two big guys who flanked you on Monday Night Football took away your balls
 and left you with a giggle in replacement doesn't mean you have to suck up to The Wall Street Journal.
 But thanks for appreciating my fine use of "keen."

 Keen up, then, to my piece and read it again without panic.
 You're too good to become squalid and kiss-ass for so little.

 Cheers, blessings,

 Norman Mailer

Friday, May 09, 2003

Chris Floyd - Global Eye:

Last week, while the notorious coward George W. Bush -- who walked away from his National
Guard duty during the Vietnam War, a criminal act known as "desertion" when committed by
lesser mortals -- was basking in the man-musk of a shipload of sailors, reciting his usual lies
about al-Qaida's "alliance" with Saddam Hussein, and weasel-wording his "victory" declaration to
avoid taking full legal responsibility for the consequences of the war of aggression he had
unleashed, Bechtel was quietly pocketing a secret, closed-bid, open-ended Iraq contract that
could give them almost $700 million in taxpayer money before the 2004 election -- with the
alluring prospect of untold billions to follow, Mother Jones reports.

London's Mayor:

<“You have got this super-patriotic hawk who was a coward when his
country was actually involved in a war and has the most venal and corrupt administration since President Harding in the 20s. He is not a legitimate president.”>

Wednesday, May 07, 2003

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The White House on Wednesday strongly defended President Bush's
national address last week from an aircraft carrier, rejecting Democratic criticism that the
president's dramatic arrival on the USS Abraham Lincoln was little more than a campaign event
for a president up for re-election in 2004.

The White House officials said the Navy recommended the jet as the safest mode of travel to
the aircraft carrier because it offered the option to eject if the aircraft missed the deck on its
approach for landing.

Dear Bartcop

 Subject: Flight time to the USS Lincoln

 FYI: A Sikorsky VH-60 helicopter (like Bush’s Marine-1) has a cruising speed of 150 knots
 (172.8 statute miles per hours). So, the trip out to the carrier that Ari Fleisher said would take
“hours” in a helicopter would take roughly 13 1/2 minutes plus some take-off and landing time.

 In short, the trip would have probably taken less total time than it took to dress the chimp in a flight suit

 By the way, an S-3 cruises at 450 knots so putting him in the S-3 trimmed, at most,
 9 minutes off making the trip in Bush’s Blackhawk

 Mike G

Tuesday, May 06, 2003

MWO's Quote of the Day

"I do question the motives of a desk-bound president who assumes the garb of a warrior for the purposes of a speech"

- Senator Robert Byrd (5/6)

Krugman: Man on horseback

Gen. Georges Boulanger cut a fine figure; he looked splendid in uniform, and magnificent on horseback. So his handlers made sure that he appeared in uniform, astride a horse, as often as possible...
...Given that history, George Bush's "Top Gun" act aboard the U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln — c'mon, guys, it wasn't about honoring the troops, it was about showing the president in a flight suit — was as scary as it was funny.
Mind you, it was funny. At first the White House claimed the dramatic tail-hook landing was necessary because the carrier was too far out to use a helicopter. In fact, the ship was so close to shore that, according to The Associated Press, administration officials "acknowledged positioning the massive ship to provide the best TV angle for Bush's speech, with the sea as his background instead of the San Diego coastline."

Monday, May 05, 2003

Dear MWO:

ANN COULTER, AUTHOR, "TREASON": It's stunning. It's amazing. I think it's huge. I mean, he's landing on a boat at 150 miles per hour. It's tremendous. It's hard to imagine any Democrat being able to do that.

Three questions:

1.) Is Coulter aware that Bush wasn't piloting the plane?
2.) To what exactly does she refer when she pants, "I think it's huge" and "It's tremendous"? [her Adam's apple?]
3.) Is Coulter aware that Democrats are passengers in planes every day, and that some even serve in the military?



Friday, May 02, 2003

WP: Sexual Organs drawn with white chalk

Iraqi City Simmers With New Attack ...At the school (in Fallujah) where Monday's shooting occurred, teachers spent the day cleaning up in preparation for the start of classes on Saturday. The headmaster, Mohammed Ahmed, said that before they left, U.S. soldiers had damaged furniture and classroom supplies and left offensive graffiti on the walls.
In one classroom, "I pork," with the word love represented by a heart, was written on the blackboard, along with a drawing of a camel and the words: "Iraqi Cab Company." In another room, "Eat Iraq" was scrawled on a wall. And in Ahmed's office, sexual organs were drawn with white chalk on the back of the door.
"They came to liberate us?" Ahmed asked, pointing out the graffiti to a reporter. "What is the point of doing this?"...

Thursday, May 01, 2003

Dubya Chickens Out
Will Not Fly on F-18

Fleischer talks up danger of clunker Bush will fly on: "It's a really small plane!"

Just In:  CNN Lady to Land on Moving Carrier Aboard F-18
Historical Act of Leadership, Courage for Newsreader

CNN has announced (2:53 ET) that correspondent Kyra Phillips is to land on board the USS Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier in an F-18 today.
Saddam to deliver message within three days?

 A previously unknown Iraqi group opposed to the US presence said Saddam
 was to deliver a message to his country within three days.

"Saddam was not killed. He is still alive. He is going to address a message to Iraqis
 and to the Arab nation within 72 hours," the group calling itself Iraqi Resistance and
 Liberation said in a letter published by London's Arabic newspaper Al-Quds Al-Arabi.

"Saddam has come across evidence that some Iraqi officials had long been involved
 with American and British intelligence."
Bartcop's quote of the Day:

"Where is Saddam? Where are those arsenals of WMD, if indeed they ever existed?
  Perhaps Saddam is still hiding somewhere in a bunker underground, sitting on cases
  of weapons of mass destruction and is preparing to blow the whole thing up and bring
  down the lives of thousands of Iraqi people."
     -- Bad Vlad Putin, mocking Tony Blair and the illegitimate warmonger

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