Thursday, December 25, 2003

The happy warrior test Story score: · Remove from Hotlist
By Robbedvoter [Add to my Buddy List]
Posted to Robbedvoter's weblog (News and Links) on Thu Dec 25th, 2003 at 03:36:56 PM EST

by Matt MillerDec 17th, 2003
My wife has a foolproof test for assessing a politician's true nature.

Try this at home. Turn off the volume on the TV when the politician in question is speaking and look at their face for a few minutes. It's an unerring test of whether at bottom they're a "happy warrior" or not.
Whether they're someone who naturally conveys that life-affirming sense of optimism, zest and even joy amidst political combat - a quality that for most of us is supremely attractive in a leader.

Or whether instead they're someone who seems more like an angry sourpuss.

I much prefer happy warriors, though history suggests it's not a prerequisite for going all the way. FDR, JFK and Ronald Reagan were happy warriors; Richard Nixon was not. Bill Clinton was a happy warrior; Al Gore was not.

OK. Closing my eyes...picture coming....yesss!

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