Saturday, October 18, 2003

From Clark's blog:
General, you're my hero, please get well.

I know the others offering you advice on your cold mean well, but here is a truly Russian remedy which never fails:

You need a glass (stopka) of genuine Russian vodka, a liter of water and a table spoon of honey. First heat vodka a bit beyond room temperature, take a shot of it and chase it down with honey and a liter of luke warm water. Proceed to bed and cover yourself with three to five thick blankets. You will spend a nightmarish night half awake dreaming of Faust and ghost of Hamlet's father but in the morning you will feel fresh and healthy as a cucumber. I know this one really works because I was doing it since I was 5 years old.

This method with warm vodka also reminds me of a funny story:

My uncle Fedya was asked by his captain once if he likes warm vodka and sweaty women, to which which Fedya wholeheartedly answered "No!!!"

"Great", said captain Vasili Efimovich, "then will give you a month off during winter." :)

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