Monday, January 24, 2005

Nuremberg prosecution reasons

Chief Prosecutor, Nuremberg (and US Supreme Court Justice)
From his opening statement:

The privilege of opening the first trial in history for crimes against the peace of the world imposes a grave responsibility. The wrongs which we seek to condemn and punish have been so calculated, so malignant, and so devastating, that civilization cannot tolerate their being ignored, because it cannot survive their being repeated. That four great nations, flushed with victory and stung with injury stay the hand of vengeance and voluntarily submit their captive enemies to the judgment of the law is one of the most significant tributes that Power has ever paid to reason.
Our position is that whatever grievances a nation may have, however objectionable it finds the status quo, aggressive warfare is an illegal means for settling those grievances or for altering those conditions. It may be that the Germany of the 1920's and 1930's faced desperate problems, problems that would have warranted the boldest measures short of war. All other methods-persuasion, propaganda, economic competition, diplomacy-were open to an aggrieved country, but aggressive warfare was outlawed. These defendants did make aggressive war, a war in violation of treaties. They did attack and invade their neighbors in order to effectuate a foreign policy which they knew could not be accomplished by measures short of war. And that is as far as we accuse or propose to inquire. Link

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Farewell democracy - rest in peace!

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Malva Zebrina  (1000+ posts) Wed Jan-19-05 11:07 AM
Response to Original message
95. It is a testimony to the corruption that pervades our government
when a proven liar, a jingo speaking woman who drove this country, along with her boss, into an illegal war, and who continues to lie about it, without any sense of conscience, understanding, or even a hint of any independant thought above that which is the required talking points in this fascist administration.
That these men and women, save a few truth seekers like the brave Barbara Boxer, would affirm her specious methods, in total denial of the thousands of human lives that have been snuffed out by her and her boss , as if they were mere collateral damage, tells me something very bad about our system and the people in it.
We have, with this appointment virtually lost the ability to challenge George Bush on his motives for lying to his own people many times, in order to invade, occupy and murder in Iraq to his pleasure, and not to mention Abu Ghraib. What they will do is seal those arguments and file them away. When Iran is invaded it will all be "legal", you can be sure. You have seen the future SOS in all her ability to lie to hide the truth and to establish memes, and she does so with practiced skill.
The only resource left, is for the people to rise up and revolt against the entire, corrupted system. Something is rotten in the state of America.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Answer to "Quit the Kerry bashing"

"RE: Kerry? Kerry Who?"
Author felix19    
Date Tue Jan-18-05 12:15 PM

There is certainly no Democratic Party leader named "Kerry."
I understand there was a Democratic Presidential candidate with that name at one time, but he seems to have "lost" the election -- and disappeared. Like a phantom. Hard to bash someone who may not really exist at all. Did he? Was he?
Sorry, but no one named "Kerry" has shown a scrap of leadership -- or even presence -- in this very traumatizing post-election epoch. No one named "Kerry." He's not around. AWOL. Apparently acting out what his opponents (especially the SwiftLiars) accused him of.
Call it bashing if you want, but let's face it, he's no leader, and he is no fighter -- at least not for anything that matters to progressives right now.

Sunday, January 16, 2005

I exploded on a "No Dean for DNC - he is Northeastern" on DU:

Response to Original message
90. While I have no vote/hope in the DNC thingy, I am tired of this civil war
being readjudicated on daily basis. We won the civil war. get TF over it. After this election it's not just the South that can hate the North with impunity. I hate you too. Or better said: enough with the geographical discrimination.
Kerry won. we were robbed, stick your images where the sun don't shine - I HAVE HAD IT!

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Typical Kerrygroup poster:

angrydemocrat  (1000+ posts) Fri Jan-14-05 01:56 AM
Response to Reply #9
12. I quit listenting to AAR
When they started all the Kerry bashing the way they did I said screw them! Mike Malloy bashes Kerry and christians all the time. Then Randi Rhodes went into one of her damn ignorant fits one night and was so damn rude it was it unreal. So I refuse to listen to it to me they are as bad as the right wing nuts. I know other people that also quit listening for the same reasons I did and also refuse to listen again. I guess they don't give a damn if they run their listeners off or night. The only one that doesn't bash Kerry is Al Frankin and he takes up for Kerry when they start their crap about him. But when you listen to him you always here between breaks Malloy and Rhodes and I don't want to hear anything either one has to say anymore so I just don't listen. And Malloy needs to get a life and realize all christians aren't rightwing nuts and until he does he run more listeners off. Oh well not my problem. It's theirs so let them deal with it.
Who will be thre Dem nominee in 2008?
My guess is it will be a Bush (4.00 / 2)
Maybe Jeb, maybe Neil, maybe Dorothy, will run against one of the other Bushes.  Or Jenna or Barbara.  The Dems will have moved more to the "center" and will field a Bush/Lieberman ticket, against the Republican Bush/Bush ticket.
by tangoasg

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

jeff's poem

Solemnly I swear to uphold the laws of this
great land? except for Roe Vs. Wade?
the Clean Air and Water Act
the Endangered Species Act?
free speech, right to assemble,
no bid contract? wait? what? Oh, that?s ok.
I pledge allegiance to
Hum Vees, SUVs, Saudi Royal Family.
I pledge allegiance to an average report card
? to the Texas Heir National Guard.
because? I thought it was Heir, not Air.
Because I?m heir to the Bush throne.
But it?s hard? being presnident. It?s hard work.
I pledge allegiance to Swift Boats for Sleuth
And muddying up the voting booth.
To the red steaks? and the blue.
It?s time to separate the hate mongers
so we can examinate our defenseries
And come to a pository plastitude.
Time to decrease the innarceration rate
(unless it?s for ballot tampering).
Before it?s too late.
I steer the ship of state!
Bring the flood, father.
And let Damien Liebeskind
freedom?s child,
I?ve asked my friend to build
a fountain in the Holy Land
to honor the G Spot, a truly holy act.
I pledge allegiance to the Patriot Act.
You wanna read my e-mail?
I?ll write in Farsi?
what a farce?
one nation under a goon.
Under the hood
a donkey doing a unicorn.
Keep the myth alive!
In spite of cuckoo clocks
making a mockery of democracy.
Mission Accomplished! What?
Oh, not yet? Oh, not yet.
Enron, Chevron, da doo ron ron.
Haliburton good. Gay marriage?
a constitutional amendment!
Mary Cheney, she?s no daughter of
Dick Cheney? there?s not a gay boner
in his body. She must be
Osama?s bin Laden?s love puppy.
They all worked together.
Free pot, whachugot, Laura willl take it.
Smirk whine peeve pretend?
Put on my privliged brat routine.
Eagle fly?bomb the sky
with pledges of allegiance?.
I steer the ship of state.
Schwarzenegger, he?s my pronegee? see.
Terminator, gubernator? soon
you will be Presidentator!
Non residentator? green card girlie menator.
Immigration, elimination. Doesn?t matterator!
No problemo-ator! See.
Diebold and ESO had him cloned in Ohio?.
180,000 damaged ballots in Florida in 2000.
That was child?s play.
100% voting errors favored me in 2004.
100% (and more?I could die laughing)
of some of my precincts voting?
see? Americans? arrogance is romance.
Ignorance is a pistol! You catch my draft?
That?s why I?m publishing my own dictionater.
with words like nyucuhler and libral?
So?s ya?ll can learn to pronunciate more clearier.
Amen. Hot dog. Thank you God for
entrusting me with the keys
to the future of cheap energy.
I pledge allegiance to Bush.
Read my lapse. Hail to the chaff!
Jeffrey Cyphers Wright

Thursday, January 06, 2005

On the electoral votes thingy

Mesg #346410 "I had a kind of different reaction"
Author samela

Watching the Democrats talk about the sacred right of voting and the Republicans bat around a few insults, what struck me was the strategic hopelessness not just of this but a lot of stuff. (I frankly, thought the Dems did not cite enough concrete examples--and they should have organized themselves so that different issues were covered in each 5 minute segment. They especially didn't stress enough the recount irregularities--which allowed the Republicans to do their old 'it was recounted and Bush still won' shtick).
It's a damned odd thing to watch the Republicans tolerate the children having a little tantrum because they know they have the votes to do any fucking thing they want. It was so sad to me. Like mocking democracy. I almost wish it hadn't happened at all, even though I know it was necessary.
Why did the Democrats let Boxer stray off the reservation and join the rebels this time? Because there is absolutely nothing at stake. Had we even been successful in getting the Republicans to agree that Ohio was corrupted and throw their votes out, the result would have been to throw the election to the Congress to decide: and then Bush would still win. It all brought the total minority status we have into sharp contrast--and it's not a pretty picture.
The Republicans sat there tapping their feet while we got our two hours of venting. And no one who wasn't watching C-Span saw any of it. And then it was all over. It's going to be the same with Gonzales. Sorry to those who are enthused about it ... I just feel like this was a particularly black day in which the reality of minority status was startlingly apparent.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Translating kerry:

Tom Rinaldo  (1000+ posts) Wed Jan-05-05 05:16 PM
18. I have a translation of Kerry's letter
Posted it on one other thread so sorry if it's a dupe to you:
"We lost, get over it, but don't get over the
importance of every vote counting. Although in this
case all the votes weren't counted, in this case it
doesn't really matter, but in some other case it would
matter, and it matters that we say it matters. But
don't say that it mattered in this case.
There were some troubling irregularities and
disturbing questions remain unanswered, but we know
that the answers to those unanswered questions would
have no effect on this election. The Republicans
really should do the right thing this time to clean
things up, although they should have done the right
thing last time to clean things up also, but since
they won both last time and this time, give them a
call and ask for their help, since they are now in
And remember, irregularities are a part of life.
That's why people use Ex-Lax. If it weren't for
irregularities discount stores would have nothing to
sell, so really irregularities are not overly
alarming, just a teensy bit alarming, so don't rock
the boat about this past election but it is OK to
write a letter about it. But remember, certain words
are just too divisive to use in mixed company, and
it's not only Democrats who live in America. We have
to be considerate of our Republican neighbors. Words
like lies, liberal, and fraud, those are all fighting
words. People fight over words like that and it would
be better if we could be more civil. Less combative
words are readily available.
I chose to acknowledge voting "irregularities", and I
am standing up to say that I wish they would stop.
Please join with me in opposing voting irregularities,
in a limited context anyway. We all understand that a
certain amount of irregularities will always be
inevitable. Much more study is needed to ensure that
American voters are not subjected to an excessive
amount of such irregularities, or, in other words,
more irregularities than they are willing to accept.
The bottom line is all votes should be counted and the
overwhelming majority of those votes should be counted
accurately. And it would greatly help to be confident
that that was truly the case, which we can't be
confident of now. Still, I am confident that I lost
this election. But don't worry, I have your back.

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Please, someone tell me that the 1st night of the year dream means
something...I had a very realistic dream that I somehow missed the news that a thisrd candidate in this election (a Bloomberg type businesman) had contested the election in court and won. he would now be inaugurated. It wasn't Kerry, but it wasn't Bush either - and everyone was rejoycing, even the media had snarky articles about loser Bush. And I kept saying: "Wow! So then our system works too....we are still a democracy! Wow!

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