Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Answer to "Quit the Kerry bashing"

"RE: Kerry? Kerry Who?"
Author felix19    
Date Tue Jan-18-05 12:15 PM


There is certainly no Democratic Party leader named "Kerry."
I understand there was a Democratic Presidential candidate with that name at one time, but he seems to have "lost" the election -- and disappeared. Like a phantom. Hard to bash someone who may not really exist at all. Did he? Was he?
Sorry, but no one named "Kerry" has shown a scrap of leadership -- or even presence -- in this very traumatizing post-election epoch. No one named "Kerry." He's not around. AWOL. Apparently acting out what his opponents (especially the SwiftLiars) accused him of.
Call it bashing if you want, but let's face it, he's no leader, and he is no fighter -- at least not for anything that matters to progressives right now.

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