Saturday, April 19, 2003

Media Whores Online
Whore Watch

Thousands March for Peace, Autonomy in Iraq
Why Don't Iraqis Trust their 'Liberators'?

Eric Alterman on Bush's Homeland Neglect
'Librul Media' Complicit in Regime's Terror Shell Game

Bush Goes AWOL
Eric Alterman

But as with Vietnam, "W" is AWOL and Cheney has "other priorities." They have not merely ignored "homeland" protection, they have sabotaged it. Shocking, yes. But don't take my word for it. A January Brookings Institution report explains, "President Bush vetoed several specific (and relatively cost-effective) measures proposed by Congress that would have addressed critical national vulnerabilities. As a result, the country remains more vulnerable than it should be today." A Council on Foreign Relations task force chaired by Gary Hart and Warren Rudman concurs: "America remains dangerously unprepared to prevent and respond to a catastrophic terrorist attack on U.S. soil," it warns...

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