Wednesday, April 09, 2003

The Toppling od the statue Set-up - BCC Fiorum - Samela:
I watched the footage carefully and dispassionately today, fully willing to believe many Iraqis would be happy to end the reign of Saddam.
But I saw no such evidence. As Brian remarked, the crowd was small--despite the (unsuccessful) attempt of the news cameras to remain in tight shot to suggest density. The supervision of the U.S. troops and use of our equipment was frightening. I missed the American flag part, but am mortified. The "dancers" were playing it for the cameras as if they had fresh twenty-dollar bills in their pockets, just distributed for the occasion.
I can contrast it only to the televised spectacle of the crowds in Belgrade storming the Parliament building to bring down Milosevic's regime, which was absent any evident outside instigation and was passionately heartfelt. This smacked of small-time hired hands.
Every credible report I have heard has described the average Iraqi's response as highly skeptical of the Americans and staunchly advocating they leave the country in Iraqi hands...and then leave.

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