Friday, May 23, 2003

From Bartcop Forum:
"the Bush economy... is our national roommate"
Author writerman    

For all his foreign conquests, his flight suits, his smarmy glad handing, his teeny weeny... tax
cuts, even terror threats...
those are external to every working American's life. It's stuff on TV or in the papers. In the final
analysis it's far removed from day to day living.
The Buscho economy LIVES with us. It is our roommate. And an angry, contentious one at that.
It sits down at our dinner tables and serves us hamburger when we wanted steak or lobster.
It interferes with our plans for our kids when it won't let us send them to that football camp cuz
it may just take away our jobs.
It won't let us go on vacation because it may take away our jobs next quarter.
It rides around with us when we take our kids shopping for summer gear and instead of turning
into SportMart it jerks the steering wheel into PlayItAgain Sports.
It accuses us angrily of not planning very well for our kids' college tuition--because we've had to
use that money for the mortgage payments or that nest-egg we put away has lost 1/2 its value.
It comes in with the mail and waves the latest credit card bills in our faces and says, "how the
f#ck are you gonna pay for all this??? hunh??"
It rides to work with us every day and mocks us: "you think all those doors are closed down the
hall cuz they're gonna give you peons RAISES??? ha ha!"
It gets in bed with us and keeps us awake with its loud snoring about how much longer we'll have
to work now that we can't depend on our investments to cover even a quarter of our salaries.
It pours us another drink or rolls us another doob (oh, hell, maybe both) while it laughs and
reminds us that the Dow just went up another 100 pts on the latest enormous increase in jobless
It is a daily constant reminder of the failures and lies at the highest levels of our government.


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