Thursday, May 15, 2003

Selling W as sex symbol:

I thought Tweety was an aberration, but then I read this letter to MWO:
Dear Horse,
Methinks that Karl Rove must be blast faxing again, because Tweety the
Screamer is NOT the only one in the throes of gushing hormones over the
Monkey in a Flight Suit.
For the full 7 minutes I could stand to listen today, Rush verbally
oogled that Monkey, AND that flight suit, and even treated us his
opinion on just how badly soccer moms all across 'Murica wanted to unzip
it. Then, he stated, in that unequivocal manner he's known for, that no
matter how many women ever wanted Clinton, THEY ALL REALLY WANT Chimpy
McPresident so much more...
As a woman, let me just say, eeeuuwww..."
To wich I add:
I mean, I remember when they were saying that he reads big books and quotes philosophers - that's an illusion that can be achieved (if the subject STFU). But sex appeal? I mean, this bunch thinks that Madison Ave can sell anything to anyone but they forget one thing: while all the models, actors, bad singers get plenty of help with make up, microphones and PR, there must be SOMETHING there which cannot be manufactured ("there is no there there"). Just cuz Rove is infatuated with that thing, it doesn't follow that he can make third parties get excited by the rat. This is no longer a matter of intelligence or brainwashing - but basic preservation of species: we do not get attracted by another regnum.

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