Sunday, May 25, 2003

snotglass on our comments on a decaying Jenna (BC Forum)

"You people should be ashamed of yourselves..."    

You are disgracing the sanctity of the American political process by your scurillious attacks and
inappropriate comments about the daughter of a constitutionally elected President. It is exactly
this kind of liberal tactic that repels Americans from participation in the politics of the American
You are conveniently ignoring the fact that this impressionable young lady spent much of her
formative years during the permissive Clinton administration, with the immoral, anything-goes
example set by the disgraceful personal example of Clinton and his corrupt cronies.
Recent research by the William Bennet Center for Popular Morality at the Heritage Foundation
has revealed the extent of the moral decay inflicted on American family values during the Clinton
years. Noted child psychologist Jonah Goldberg lent his considerable and respected erudition to
the findings of this study.

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