Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Democratic meet-up was a blast!

By Robbedvoter [Add to my Buddy List]
Posted to Robbedvoter's weblog (Soapbox) on Wed Jan 21st, 2004 at 10:02:08 PM EST

It took place at a bar downtown named Gatsby. This was my first one - I was inspired to go by Beatrice's story about the one last month which I blogged here

After the ABC coverage it had last tme, the room was packed! The hosts said there had to be at least 50 people - I think we were more. They were beaming, because 2 months before that there were only 7.

One of the hosts spoke a little about his visit to the Senate : you are not supposed ti carry weapons - they check you, but in the gift shop they carry pen knives"
They talked with Dick Durbin., Byron Durgan . The consensus was that W is vulnerable but they have a killer machine that shouldn't be underestimated and there is a big fight between the neocons and the Powell faction. Not really news for Clarkies but these were undecided people considering Kerry (I did enlighten them).

Anytime I'd hear Kerry mentioned (2-3 times - tentatively) I'd say - "so you don't care about the war, I take it" "Of course I do! I am against it" So, I'd point to my button and say: then why not go with the guy who stands for the same things as you do?"

Clarkies were over 50% in the crowded room - many of them new.
;We knew each other to a great extent - and were swiping NH stories. Some new Clarkies were about to go nest and I enjoyed teling them it was going to be a life transforming experience.

I told them of CCN - they were surprised to find out about it and very eager to join.
"How do you know all these things? I'd get asked. CCN - I spend 12 hours a day there and barely keep up.

If there were any deanies in the room, they didn't dare declare themselves as such. I was searching them to hand Michael More letter to them. I ended up giving it to undecideds.
Some Kuchinich people came to capitalize on the dean blow-out and had Kuchinich vs Dean literature. I added Clark stuff and bars next to it.

CNN was there filming - my purple boa had a few close ups tonight!
At one point the CNN person put a microphone on our table and advised us to ignore it. So, i started to talk about the drudge fiasco and how we set the record straight. Nest thing, I brought up CNN's misleading article about Clark's tax olan today (omitting the elimination of taxes up to 50,000 income). At that point the microphone was snatched back.
     I know better than to expect any exposure from CNN - but I had a little vindication tonight.

All in all, Clarkies looked good tonight in NYC. We were nice, not rude, and cute as butons as we all are. Brilliant, outstanding and very modest...;-)
Democratic meet-up was a blast! | 2 comments | Group threads together | Post A Comment | Edit Story
Way to go! (#2) (No rating)

by Anne (Anne at forclark dot com) on 01/21/2004 10:08:52 PM EST

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Thanks for the story!  CNN won't bother to report the facts, that's why we have to get them out there.
Wes will win!

(#1) (No rating)

by Linda Grinaker (linda4140[at sign] on 01/21/2004 09:22:29 PM EST

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Ha! Ha!  Way to go!

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