Friday, January 23, 2004

Faux psy-ops MO - good cop turning bad Story score: · Add to my Hotlist
By Robbedvoter [Add to my Buddy List]
Posted to Robbedvoter's weblog (Soapbox) on Fri Jan 23rd, 2004 at 07:16:14 AM EST

The Moderate independent did a great job explaining the Faux set up against the democrats last night:

The only thing to add to their perfect article is personal knowledge:
In 2001, against my advice, NYC activists put together a demonstration against Faux. A lot of tricks were played on us by Roger ailes, some of them chronicled by me at the time here:
What happened afterwards however is more relevant. Cheryl Guttman, the organizer of the event was invited on Insanity and Coma to talk about  the protest. In the green room, she was asked if she watches the show and she said "no".
   Once on the set, Hannity was passive. It was Colmes, the assumed good cop who ripped into Cheryl: "How can you protest us without watching?" They barely allowed Cheryl to respond.
   The point was : we were protesting Faux news - and especially their biased coverage of the coup, not some itty bitty cable show for freepers. (I made this point in a correspondence with Coma and he got so mad he wrote back 12 times!).(Colmes  endorsed Kerry- that should help)
    Which brings me to last night. One would think they'd have Britt Hume, Chenney's buddy confront the general. Instead, they had Jennings - the nice guy from ABC do it.
   Why was Jennings even there, on the Faux set up?
Previously, Jennings had done a beautiful profile of Clark.
So, after having Bob Dole bark at Clark, Roger Ailes thought the Cheryl method should work: surprise the enemy with unexpected source of attack, expected ally turn against you method.
   Clever, Ailes, but this man did strategy for a living. Didn't exactly phased him. Now he has a new hook to bring disaffected deanies in, and W's AWOL is fair game.  Michael Moore has a new platform and who was not impressed by Clark's defense of Moore? Nicely done. Next?

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