Sunday, October 17, 2004

On Bartcop forum:
"Times has (temporary) deathbed conversion"
Author samela    

is is a very powerful editorial, notable less for its "enthusiastic" endorsement of Kerry, for which I am grateful, than for the bulk of its content---a searing indictment of the Bush administration, spelled out in detail and step by step, on every domestic and foreign policy outrage. It should be required reading.
But I am struck by how the normally vapid Sunday Times is today filled with other must-read articles as well. To wit:
(1) Frank Rich's sizzling rant on how the Bush administration is "knee-capping" the media. (Read beyond the somewhat suspect protestations over Judith Miller's fate. It really is a chilling, and telling, piece, even if it is from the guy who found Al Gore too wooden).
(2) An expose of human rights abuses in Guantanamo. The shocking techniques described herein are truly a day late and a dollar short. We already read the report of allegations by two British prisoners who were released--and their stories conform entirely with the new allegations being lodged by unnamed US personnel who are now speaking out. It's important. Read it, too.
(3) The real story about why there are no flu vaccines this year---because Big Pharma doesn't find vaccine making profitable, and because they don't want to spend the money to make them safely, as required by Clinton-era reforms. They don't take Bush to task for lying about the reasons in the debate the other night, but it effectively serves as an indictment of this administration for having done nothing on this front. It ends with a direct slam on them for allocating nothing to a "real" disease that kills tens of thousands each year while dumping $5.8 Billion on drug companies to develop anthrax vaccines, a disease no one has. Read it.

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