Friday, November 05, 2004


"Are too!"..."Am not"!..."Are too!"..."Am not!""
Author daldem    

1811 posts
Date Fri Nov-05-04 10:25 AM



My conversation with my republican stepson this morning.
Daldem: "Congratulations, you evangelicals pulled it off"
Stepson: "I'm NOT an evangelical".
Daldem: "Yes you are"
Stepson: "I am not, I'm a Methodist"
Daldem: "Maybe so, but deep down you're an evangelical".
Stepson: "I am not !"
Daldem: "That is okay if you are, I still love you"
Stepson: "I am NOT an evangelical"
Kids, I think we have a new dirty word. It is even better
than Liberal. From this day forwad every republican that
I know will be addressed as an evangelical. After many
"are toos and am nots" I ended the conversation saying that
apparently he needs to find out more about his own party's

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