Saturday, August 02, 2003

Chris Floyd:

The twin towers of the Bushist case for war -- "imminent threat" and
"connection to al-Qaida" -- have been crumbling for weeks, even among
the bovine intellects of the Bush-whipped U.S. media, who had happily
munched the thrice-chewed cud of the Regime's transparent mendacity
during the long build-up to the invasion. Wolfowitz provided the final
coup de grace on national television last Sunday, during an appearance
on Rupert Murdoch's propaganda mill, Fox News."

So Wolfowitz knew, Rumsfeld knew, Colin Powell knew, Condi Rice knew,
Dick Cheney knew, even President Can't-Chew-a-Pretzel knew that
launching a war of aggression against Iraq would increase the terrorist
danger to ordinary U.S. citizens. They knew this all along. They know it
now. They just don't care. For them, the game -- sweetheart deals and
he-man swagger -- is worth the candle. Unfortunately for the folks at
home and the soldiers abroad, the "candle" just happens to be the lives
of the American people."

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