MWO's Crossfire's highlights:
Welcome to Media Whores Online
Media Whores Online takes an unbiased, in-depth look at the vast myriad of whores who call themselves "journalists." MWO casts a garish spotlight on the relentless screaming heads of television, the babbling paranoids of squawk radio, and the crayon scribblings of lazy print media "journalists."
Whore Watch
We proudly introduce the latest issue in our Elite Force series of authentic and historically accurate 12-inch figures, George W. Bush in Phillips Andover Head Cheerleader uniform. Exacting in detail and fully equipped with authentic gear including pom-poms and megaphone, this limited-edition action figure is a meticulous 1:6 scale recreation of the Cheerleader-in-Chief leading his squad in cheering the Andover Varsity Boys' Volleyball Team on to a championship victory. A peppy Bush participated in a death defying 6-man pyramid stunt, then thrilled the crowd with a series of courtside cartwheels.
From Joe Conason's BIG LIES:
In his 1999 autobiography, A Charge to Keep, [Bush] offered lyrical memories of his Guard stint. "I continued flying with my unit for the next several years," he wrote. But that simply wasn't true: Lieutenant Bush never flew another jet after being suspended from flight duty in August 1972 for failing to take a mandated annual physical. That was a fact he simply couldn't remember when asked to account for the discrepancy in 2000. (A Charge to Keep also omits his stint as head cheerleader at Phillips Andover, his old prep school.)
- Chapter 3: Male Cheerleaders and Chickenhawks
Nader Takes a Pie in the Face in California
The recall election against Gov. Gray Davis has been called a circus, and Tuesday, that seemed very apt.
In a San Francisco event to mark the endorsement of Green Party candidate Peter Camejo by Ralph Nader -- who ran on the Green Party ticket for president in 2000 -- Nader was hit by a pie.
David Neiwert's Orcinus on Tweety Matthews's disturbing crush on the Unelected Fraud that shows no sign of abating, and the difference between a statesman with character like Al Gore versus an incompetent yet entitled, morally and ethically bankrupt former cheerleader like Junior.
Indeed, one wonders where Chris Mathews was during the Florida Debacle, and the week after, when it became painfully apparent that George W. Bush was more than happy to steal away the presidency by eking out just enough Electoral College votes (through, of course, highly questionable means) in spite of Al Gore's wide-margin victory in the popular vote.
Oh, that's right -- he was still busy questioning Al Gore's character.
It continues even to this day, including this latest diatribe. What has become painfully clear is that for no one in the Washington press corps do George W. Bush's absolute ruthlessness and his unwillingness to win or lose by the rules of the game raise a character question.
Crossfire Highlights
PAUL BEGALA: Fox is suing over Franken's use of the phrase "fair and balanced." See, Fox trademarked that phrase in 1995 as a slogan for its alleged news network.
Now I don't get the whole controversy. Franken is, after all, a comedian. And the notion that Fox is fair and balanced is a joke. So what's the problem?
TUCKER CARLSON: ...Semi-plausible candidate, John Kerry, meanwhile, stood firm in the tradition of Bill Clinton by taking both positions simultaneously. Yes, Kerry confirmed he had voted for the war in Iraq, but, no, he did not support the war in Iraq.
Wednesday, August 13, 2003
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