Hey Lieberman, Daschle, Bayh, Biden, Mediawhores ..wanna know a secret?
Posted by TruthIsAll on DU
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Hey Lieberman, Daschle, Bayh, Biden, Mediawhores ..wanna know a secret?Edited on Mon Aug-25-03 10:21 PM by TruthIsAll
Promise not to tell?
Let me whisper in your ear..
of those sins you're gonna hear..
Do you still want to be associated with BushCo's foreign and domestic fiascos? And still feel that anti-war Democrats are in the minority? Do you continue to defend your support of Bush in his War for Oil? And still believe, in spite of all that has happened since 9/11, that America supports the Bush Doctrine of preemptive war? Do you support PNAC as the cornerstone of our foreign policy? And will you continue to remain silent in the face of overwheming evidence of a BushCo Voting Machine Conspiracy to steal our elections AGAIN in 2004?
You still think Bush is a very popular war pResident? Prepare to eat eternal crow. As the so-called Democratic opposition and Fourth Estate, you should all hang your heads in shame.
Your legacy will tarnished as the spineless and cowardly benefactors of a fascist regime that is now in a freefall descent to oblivion in the public consciousness.
The American people will no longer forgive or forget or be manipulated.
Fortunately, America has its heroes who have and will continue to expose the lies, corruption and greed that have brought our once proud nation into such disrepute all over the world.
For those who have propped up and continue to paint teflon on the fascist dictator wannabee smirking in Al Gore's House, know this: We who yearn for the TRUTH have no pity for you. You will endure sleepless nights forever, knowing that you are nothing less than traitors to the American ideal, assuming that feelings of guilt could ever overwhelm your greed and cowardice. You will be known in the history books as the 21st Turncoats-of-the-Century quislings who were willing to let America drift to the edge of tyranny for acquisition of power and profit.
It is only through the efforts of true American patriots that this land will remain free.
The heroes our children will sing praises of are named Wellstone, Joseph Wilson, Hans Blix, Byrd, Kucinich, Waxman, Kennedy, Graham, Palast, Molly Ivins, Bev Harris, Franken, Conason, Krugman, Sheer, Breslin, Moore, Helen Thomas, the Dixie Chicks, Tim Robbins, Sean Penn and many others.
And don't forget the John Hopkins Information Security specialists, who have proven that our touch-screen voting machines are not so secure after all. These are the tools the Republican fascists you support would use to subvert democracy.
All these heroes have this in common: they value one ounce of TRUTH more than a billion barrels of Iraqi oil.
Monday, August 25, 2003
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