Saturday, August 30, 2003

TruthisAll posts on DU:
Breaking: Bush approval ratings on Rebound, because...

The Bush rebound is due to a number of factors, according to the Talking Heads, based on the latest discussions with Rove.
1.The situation in Iraq is deteriorating daily, but the public gives Bush a boost due to his gallant move to get the U.N involved.
2. The power blackout has worked to Bush's advantage as the public sees him redoubling efforts to privatize the industry.
3. The revelation that Bush had the EPA inform the public that it was ok to continue to work or visit the WTC area after 9/11, even though there was no indication that it was safe, indicates Bush had an even greater concern for Wall Steet as opposed to the health of the people. This is consistent with past policies of encouraging pollution. After all its just business, not personal.
4. The public is rallying to WH claims that WMD will be found in Sept. Marketing of new products is best rolled out after Labor day, and the WMD planting has begun to take root. And the 9/11 anniversary will bring forth a rebirth of patriotism and warmongering.
5. The people feel that a rested Bush, coming off a 35-day vacation, will perform at an even higher level.
6. The unemployment figures, though high, are being looked on as a non-issue in this jobless recovery. Corporations are seeing earnings improve, which is good for the market, even though more and more unemployed are considering foreclosures, a boon to scavenger investing firms.
7. The emergence of a powerful Schwarzenegger candidacy, under the Buffet/Schultz economic wing, can only help Bush in California in 2004 when those Diebold machines are in place.
8. Global warming is affecting France, which is Bush's number one enemy. This is a victory for all those who believe that GW is an isolated European phenomena which does not affect the U.S.
9. Blair is becoming very vulnerable. Bush gains when the Tories get back in power, as it appears they will.
10. Our troops in Iraq can no longer express dissaproval of Bush and Cheney on CNN. This can only help Bush as he rallys public support.

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