Tuesday, May 25, 2004

(#206) (Rated 5.00/3)

by fmsjp on 05/25/2004 02:53:07 PM EST

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Duped isn't the right word---stupid is closer.
Clark said flatout Bush wanted a "campaign" to to "drain the swamp". It starts in Iraq and goes through Iran, Sudan, Syria, Libya, Lebanon and Somalia. Seven states over five years.
So, that Iran was giving them info to help "sell" this war to us, it just fits the mo here.  That they were so stupid to destroy an enemy of our enemy (Islamic fundamentalists) just goes to prove the absolute arrogance of this entire administration. No matter what happens now, when the US pulls out of Iraq there will be a vaccum of power, and Iran knows it will fill it.
Iran has got to be nervous though. When they look to the east or the west they see american soldiers on their border.
Everything is destabilized now. And I do not believe there is any good solution.

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