Monday, May 10, 2004

letter to Morning Sedition - Air America after their interview with Dan Paine

Leave it to Dukakis' campaign manager who wants Kerry "not to get distracted by Bush's attacks" to push the personal injury lawyer as VP! Campaign is a trial, and Edwards would "prosecute" Bush! As a lawyer this is the most idiotic thing I heard.
Mind you, this "prosecutor" is the guy who voted 80% with Bush, would have started a war in Iraq and thinks 911 justified going in Iraq...
I thought I'd throw up hearing the old pablum about the mighty mythical undecided voter...
One question for Dukakis guy: is governing like a trial too?
here's an idea: let's have the guy who said this yesterday on Meet the press:
"  I think there's a greater than 50/50 chance, let's say a 2:1 chance, of a catastrophic early end to this mission.(Iraq)"
Hint: he is a friend of the room.

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