Saturday, May 22, 2004

new angle on Chalabi
Neocon Lets Cat Out of Bag
Robert Dreyfuss
May 19, 2004
Michael Rubin--a young staffer at the American Enterprise Institute who's just left the Pentagon, where he played a small role as a neocon cog in the Office of Special Plans war machine--let a herd of cats out of the bag about his favorite Iraqi phony, Ahmad Chalabi of the Iraqi National Congress.
Well, says Rubin, who served as one the Pentagon's liaisons to Chalabi, that's exactly what they want you to think:
"Much of the information he collected was to roll up the insurgency and Ba'athist cells. It caught people red-handed," said Michael Rubin, a former Pentagon adviser who is now at a conservative think-tank, the American Enterprise Institute.
"By telegraphing that he is not the favorite son of America, the administration will bolster him, showing he is his own man."
I put this in abeyance as the events seemed too out of control to be true. But now I see that the "disgraced' Chalabi is doing the talk show circuit - MTP, ABC - so I am starting considering it again

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