Thursday, March 20, 2003

BC Forum post: "I cannot believe what I saw on World Link TV - Mountainmama:

" They showed footage of the protests in SanFrancisco this morning.
There were parents with children, small children, which may be
questionable to some and I am not going to argue that point here.

The police were blocking passage across the street(same idea as
what was going on in NYC blocking protestors), of a man with his son
who looked to be 4-6 years old. The little boy was riding on his dad's

The police grabbed this guy, and wrestled the kid off his father's
shoulders, the dad was desperate and fighting to get to his kid, the
kid was frightened and the police were really nasty. The whole thing
was a very quick turnaround of attitude on the part of the police. It
was totally unexpected as I was watching.

I saw they had the dad on the ground face down and cuffed and they
took the kid away...where, I don't know. I just burst into tears
because I cannot, I repeat CANNOT believe what I am seeing
happening in SF of all places...And I live in podunk, USA. What can I
expect here?

I am pissed and again, I will not argue the wisdom of bringing a
child...I have brought very small in a back carrier as a
matter of fact many long years ago. That is not what I am here to
talk about.

It is the utter "sit down and shut up" attitude of intimidation that I
could not believe; the police all in riot gear looking like the SS from
the Third Reich.

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