Sunday, March 30, 2003

Did we say W isn't watching TV? um, We lied!

WASHINGTON, March 29 — George W. Bush was standing three feet from his
television screen in his cabin at Camp David last weekend, absorbed in every detail
of the news from Iraq, when a correspondent came on to report that the president of
the United States, according to White House officials, was not glued to the TV.

Mr. Bush started laughing, said his close friend Roland Betts, who was with the
president at the time.

"He is just totally immersed," Mr. Betts said in an interview. Mr. Betts said that he
and Mr. Bush talked of little else but the war over two days at Camp David last
weekend, and that the president regularly turned in to the cable channels for
updates on Iraq.
In the opening days of the conflict, White House officials were so eager not to
personalize the war as a Bush revenge match against the dictator who tried to
assassinate his father that Ari Fleischer, the White House press secretary, at first
suggested that Mr. Bush was not even watching the enormous blasts on live
television of the first bombs thundering down on Baghdad. Mr. Fleischer said later
that the president had indeed been watching television. The reality is that the war
now dominates the White House and the president's life.

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