Friday, March 21, 2003

We are now bombing Bagdad!!!!!
bush can happily vacation at camp David after shooting his load.

Word of the day: Blitzkrieg:

(German: "lightning war") Military tactic used by Germany in World
War II, designed to create psychological shock and resultant
disorganization in enemy forces through the use of surprise, speed,
and superiority in matériel or firepower. The Germans tested the
blitzkrieg during the Spanish Civil War in 1938 and against Poland
in 1939, and used it in the successful invasions of Belgium, the
Netherlands, and France in 1940. The German blitzkrieg
coordinated land and air attacks--using tanks, dive-bombers, and
motorized artillery--to paralyze the enemy principally by disabling
its communications and coordination capacities.

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