Saturday, March 08, 2003

Fake Info Fabricated By US:

From Salon yesterday: Conason says the info about Iraq trying to get
uranium from Niger came from a British intelligence report, and it's in
the dossier the US has up on a website listing the supposed omissions
from the December document Iraq filed. See the US claim here:

But more interesting is this Bush gaffe from last night:

Instead, Bush resorted to the propagandistic mode that has already
brought discredit on him and his administration. "I believe Saddam
Hussein is a threat to the American people. I believe he's a threat to
the neighborhood in which he lives. And I've got a good evidence to
believe that ... He has trained and financed al-Qaida-type
organizations before, al-Qaida and other terrorist organizations." That
latter charge, although somewhat garbled, sounded new to me. Has
Saddam trained and financed al-Qaida -- or "al-Qaida type
organizations," whatever that may mean?

Not according to the State Department's most recent annual report on
international terrorism, which was issued last year. That presumably
authoritative document describes Iran as "the most active state
sponsor of terrorism," and accuses the Tehran regime of providing
significant assistance to such al-Qaida-type (meaning Islamist) outfits
as Lebanese Hizballah, Hamas and Palestine Islamic Jihad. The report
also fingers Sudan and Syria for providing "safe haven" and other aid
to Islamist terror organizations.

But until now the U.S. government lodged no such accusation against
Iraq. While the report says Baghdad continues to assist "numerous
terrorist groups," the organizations specifically named by the State
Department are all secular, not Islamist. The groups with ties to Iraq
are "Marxist" or "socialist" in orientation, making them "infidels" like
Saddam in the eyes of the Islamists. The State Department report on
Iraq doesn't mention any links to al-Qaida at all. It also points out
that the "main focus" of Saddam's support for terrorism "was on
dissident Iraqi activity overseas."

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