Saturday, March 01, 2003

Moonie Times
White House Criricizes Showdown with Iraq Coverage

The White House and Pentagon yesterday criticized news
coverage of the Iraq
showdown and other military matters in a sign of increasing
acrimony between the
press and administration.

"You're covering the process as if it was a baseball game,"
White House Press
Secretary Ari Fleischer told reporters.

He accused journalists of missing the big picture on the Iraq
story by distorting
daily developments. Although criticism mounts against
Saddam Hussein, Mr.
Fleischer said, the press emphasizes expressions of doubt
from wavering allies
such as France and Russia.

"You're looking at every step that is taken — every hit, every
pitch, every strike —
ignoring the fact that history has shown that during this
consultative process, you
will be able to write any type of story you want about any of
these types of
statements," Mr. Fleischer said. "But the focus is on the
outcome for President

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