Friday, July 11, 2003

And also from the memory hole:

e Demise of the Nuclear Bomb
Imad Khadduri writes: "On
February 14, 2003, Mohamed
ElBaradei, Director
General of the International
Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA),
submitted, in
accordance with U.N. Resolution
1441, his second report to the
Council on Iraq's nuclear
non-capability. Much to the
chagrin of
Resident Bush and Colin Powell,
the nuclear inspection chief's
not only cleared the smoke from
the imagined 'smoking gun,' but
dissipated the smog of
misinformation with which the
government, hungry for war, has
surrounded this issue...What is not
generally known is that when Hans Blix, a month ago, challenged Bush and
Blair to put up or shut up, in effect challenging them to produce their
'sensitive' intelligence on suspected sites in order to allow the
inspectors to verify the vociferous claims of the likes of White House
spokesman Ari Fleischer's 'we know they have it,' a list of 25 sites was
quietly provided. The inspectors visited each one of these sites and
found nothing."©2003

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