Thursday, July 10, 2003

Letter to the editor

"GOP rule-breaking seems to be SOP
      by Dean Everman,  West Palm Beach

 It seems to me that Republicans will stop at nothing if the ends justify the means.
 If the vote counting in Florida doesn't go as planned, make the ballot counting stop.

 If Texas Democrats won't vote on a strictly partisan redistricting bill that favors only
 Republican lawmakers, send Homeland Security agents to arrest them.

 If you can't win an election against a Democratic governor in California,
 begin a recall petition and demand the right to vote again.

 When Democrats in the U.S. Senate refuse to confirm right-wing conservative judicial
 nominees, try to change the rules so they can't filibuster any more.

 Why can't Republicans (the self-proclaimed moral high-grounders) compete on a level
 playing field? It seems they either must cheat, undermine or change a longstanding
 precedent to favor their objectives

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