Boy!! aWol was REALLY touchy at today's impromtu press conf.
Posted on DU by Mopaul
he was talking about how he's going to save the world from aids and boldy and uncharacteristically took a few questions from the media. bad idea. when he's off script, he's at his most dangerous.
when asked about liberia and whether or not we are going in there militarily, he was very firm and churchillian. he said colin is working on it, and the president of liberia needs to leave the country immediately. is that like a regime change?
then a reporter asked about the gray area involving w.m.d.'s in iraq and the monkeyman came unglued. he got very defensive, and leaned real hard off the podium like a drunk on a wave-tossed ship deck. he started rambling and said that saddam was gone, we took care of him, iraq is free to be a nation, he did terrible things, he knows saddam had weapons, HE USED THEM on his own people. wow, did you know that? he said saddam is no longer a threat to america, and that he definitely was a threat to us, and now the world is more peaceful that saddam is 'gone'.
he really got flustered and vaporish and snippy, that's how i like to see him best. coming apart at the seams, ready to explode, like a cornered animal, ready to strike at anything that moves to defend himself. it was the real bush at his best.
sometimes the fake sincerity and congeniality just fall away and you can see the real cockroach heart that makes him tick.
and then he reminded us that we will 'STAY THE COURSE' in regards to iraq. a phrase run into the ground by his daddy, our former nazipresident. he never mentioned that u.s. soldiers are dying daily since 'mission accomplished' was declared. so we will be providing target practice with live targets in iraq for years and years to come.
boy!! these dictator megalomaniac world conquerer in-bred types get really touchy when you ask them simple questions!
Wednesday, July 02, 2003
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