Sunday, December 08, 2002

Celebrating the Louisiana Win:

The NYT article begins "In a rebuff to President Bush's political power and personal
prestige, Louisiana voters today rejected Suzanne Haik Terrell, his hand-picked

Boston Globe headline reads: "Democrat Landrieu Keeps La. Senate Seat: Beats Drive
Led by Bush..."

La bartizen:

Terrell's campaign ran heavily on the abortion issue. The mass mailings in the last
two weeks were overkill. Most of them portrayed Landrieu as being big-time
pro-abortion (as opposed to pro-choice.

The telephone calls were relentless. From the Repug. governor to pResident Moron
and beyond, at least 4 per day all damn week. A half hour after Carville exposed
the Administration's secret foreign sugar-cane deals on Crossfire, the Repug.
governor rang up with a mass phone message to refute the claim.

There was no way to turn on a radio or tv without hearing the GOP smear Landrieu,
and it went on for WEEKS. They pulled out all the stops and it didn't work.

Louisiana said:

"Shove your "mandate" where the sun don't shine, pResident Moron!"

Way to go, Louisiana

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