Sunday, December 15, 2002

Gore as Lott on Saturday Night Live:

Gore (as Lott): "Chris, when I said our country wouldn't have all these problems if
Strom Thurmond had been elected president, it had nothing to do with segregation. I
simply meant that things would have been better if Thurmond were president because
he would have kept white people and black people separate. I just hate it when liberals
take me out of context like that."

Gore (as Lott): "Chris, Chris! It has come to my attention that some of comments
about Strom Thurmond a minute ago may have been construed as racially insensitive.
Let me apologize. I meant no respect -- no disrespect to any white people. I myself
am a white man and some if not all my friends are white. Let me make this clear, as
long as I'm in office, we will leave no white person behind."

Gore (as Lott): "If I may, Chris. Too much emphasis has been placed on Senator
Thurmond's pro-segregation campaign. There was a lot more to his 1948 platform. He
wanted to make it illegal for black people and white people to marry each other. He
had great ideas for raising tax revenue, like makin' black people pay to vote. The man
is a genius."

Matthews: "As soon as I finish counting all the ways that's stupid I start yelling at you."

Matthews: "We're going to take a break. When we come back, Trent Lott explains why
America would be better off if the Germans won World World II. Hubba dah hubba."
(End of Hardball skit.)

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