Wednesday, December 18, 2002

NEW YORK (CNN) -- Former
President Clinton said
Wednesday it is "pretty
hypocritical" of Republicans to
criticize incoming Senate
Majority Leader Trent Lott for
stating publicly what he said the
GOP does "on the back roads
every day."

"How do they think they got a majority in
the South anyway?" Clinton told CNN
outside a business luncheon he was
attending. "I think what they are really
upset about is that he made public their

He added: "They try to suppress black
voting, they ran on the Confederate flag in
Georgia and South Carolina, and from top
to bottom the Republicans supported it."

Asked if Lott should be removed, Clinton
said, "That's up to them, but I think they
can't do it with a straight face."

The former president then said, "He just
embarrassed them by saying in
Washington what they do on the back
roads every day."

He accused Republicans of "trying to run
black voters away from the polls" in states
such as Arkansas, Louisiana and Florida.
Clinton also cited recent gubernatorial
elections in Georgia and South Carolina,
won by Republicans.

"I think the way the Republicans have treated
Senator Lott is pretty hypocritical since
right now their policy is, in my view, inimical
to everything that this country stands for,"
Clinton said.


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