Thursday, March 06, 2003

Posted in BC Forum by Samela:
"The entire paper today (NYT) seems a stunning admission that..."

the world has changed: that Bush has forced a realignment of world
power and we now stand virtually alone. We have felt it coming, we
have feared the results of this administration's beligerence since they
first began turning their noses up at every multinational treaty we had
formerly initiated or even reluctantly signed on to.

It wasn't until today, with the color picture of the foreign ministers of
France, Germany, and Russia aligned on a podium to stop US
agression on the front page of the New York Times, together with this
editorial and a host of other stories....that a major outlet has
acknowledged that the world has been massively realigned.

I have never seen anything like this in my lifetime.

ON EDIT: Does anyone else have this awful sinking feeling that we will
learn that the first bombs are hitting Baghdad sometime this evening?
I have this impending sense in my gut that this is what will happen. I
sincerely hope I'm wrong....but I don't see any other timing for them
at the moment. Unless Bush undergoes some conversion that would
be as remarkable as Saddam turning himself in. And I don't foresee

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