Saturday, September 13, 2003

Anyway, tough luck, guys. Starve us all you like. Make our senators and representatives beg for a lousy $13 billion while you shower 20 times that much — to say nothing of the lives lost and the families uprooted — on the quagmire you demanded. (The $87 billion is just a down payment.) Refuse the victims’ families the right to any information about just why you were so asleep at the switch when your country needed you to protect it. Send John Ashcroft to arrest us if we take out the wrong library books or wear unpopular T-shirts. We’re not going anywhere. I just bought a new place and the kid started kindergarten in the very public schools you are trying to leave behind. And though you wisely decided to stay away today, Mr. President, come September 2004, you’ll be hearing from us.

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