Tuesday, September 09, 2003

Response to DU thread: Does Dean's anger scare off voters?

I am political and angry and not bery happy with his way
of showing his anger. I went to the NYC rally - trully open minded and ready to give him a shot. I was awed by the organization. I was underwhelmed by his speech.
My full conversion to Clark happened after that (and partly because of it + NRA).
I always have this mixed reaction to his speeches. They usually look much better on paper than from his mouth.
Ex: someone posted what he said campaigning for Davis - I was impressed. Then I watched him saying it - when he said "It's not about Davis's record" it sounded to me like "sure, Gore may be stiff, but..." - a non-defense defense. The tone implied: "he may be shitty, but....
Clark delivers deadly blows calmly ans sweetly ("nice uniform - many wore it with honor" or "what may sound good in Texas doesn't necessarily sound good in the rest of the world"). More effective, inspiring, voters attractive.
I am just describing my personal process of picking a candidate here. The perceptions of a very angry Democrat.

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