Thursday, September 04, 2003

I Cannot believe This speech (bush in Kansas City)
posted on DU by realpolitik:

cannot believe his speech.
It was a play to his base, corporate America.
I watched those stepford execs stagger in
the unaccustomed light of day. In a waddling line
of suits that tested the limits of a single button, well tanned
I.T. 'entrepreneurs' from Sprint, and worried looking progeny, the
Johnson County wallets were there to applaud the same old thing, hoping that it would work this time, as it did not for his father or Ronnie.
A few stared at the chanting, sign waiving crowd across the street with the smug self righteous attitude of a Rush Limbaugh, some looked at the protesters sheepishly, but most avoided looking directly across the street at all. It was too painful to stare at the truth, and they did not come for the truth. They were there to cheer on the man who was looting their country, in hope more blood soaked money would trickle down on a rising tide of Iraqi oil.
In short, they were toadies, and they knew it.

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