Tuesday, September 09, 2003

Response to a GOP-er for Clark:

here's one view: I became fierce Democrat in 2000 when my vote was stolen (was independent
before). Last night, as we were cruising from one meet-up location to another, I discover I was
riding in the cab with 2 former Nader voters in 2000 (after telling them that a few month ago I
was trying to draft Gore). My first reaction was: "I am surrounded!" Then I said: Just the fact
that the 3 of us are riding together to a Clark event tells you something. We elaborated on it,
and they both insisted that it wasn't so much the aversion to bush as being genuinely impressed
with Clark. There was no party discussion at the meet-up and your friend would be wise to keep
her partisan views for other venues too. There was a reason the general kept his affiliation
undeclared for a while. He wants to reach accross party lines. You are the proof he succeeded.
let's keep our eye on the ball.

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