Wednesday, November 27, 2002

. Psst! She really said 'Mormon'

Globe and Mail
Tuesday, November 26, 2002

… … No one actually cares what Francie Ducros thinks of George Bush. What matters
is what the gang she hangs around with think. And the truth is, most of them
(including her boss, no doubt) agree with her. She's simply reflecting a view that's
widespread among the nation's political elite. As for the CBC Radio reporter, who
knows what he thinks? But it is safe to say that, within the CBC, the range of
opinions on Mr. Bush pretty much runs the gamut from "drooling imbecile" to
"warmongering idiot."

… … Ms. Ducros, meanwhile, has not gone unsung in Baghdad, where her "moron"
comment has been quoted with approval by the Ba'ath party's official newspaper. It
says she has supplied yet more proof that "Bush has become the most hated
person in the world."

Well, that's one thing we all can probably agree on….

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