Saturday, November 30, 2002

> Sunday, December 1, 2002
> To jobless, White House is Scrooge
> WASHINGTON -- President Bush displayed no interest in having Congress,
> before it adjourned, extend unemployment benefits for more than
> 800,000 jobless workers whose essential federal lifeline will expire
> right after Christmas.
> And a Happy New Year to you, too, Master of the Universe.
> The White House and the incoming Republican-controlled Congress are
> gleefully making plans for many more tax giveaways to benefit rich
> individuals, and lavish loopholes to benefit corporations. But the
> victims of a wave of corporate collapses and employee downsizing in
> the shaky economy were stiffed by the GOP-controlled House of
> Representatives and the White House. The president ignored Democratic
> pleas to lean on his party's House leaders.

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