Friday, November 29, 2002

Grim Bartizen Prediction on the Kissinger 9.11 Commission role

"investigation" is going to lead
inexorably to the conclusion that Bill Clinton and Al
Gore committed treason.

In today's New York Times it was heavily emphasized
that the commission is
charged with looking into previous administrations
actions. I think we can expect
that there will be slow but constant leaks giving an
impression that the Clinton
administration pretty much planned 9/11 because of
their great hatred of
freedom and morality.

The report will be released just before the election
and it will portray a resolute
and commanding George W. Bush singlehandedly fighting
a corrupt bureaucracy
staffed by hold-over cells of Democratic al Quada
sympathizers while Dick and
Condy and Rummy bravely and without thought for their
own personal safety
worked feverishly to cut through the layers of
ingrained ineptitude of the national
security apparatus made fat and stupid after 8 years
of Democratic cronyism.

By that time, of course, months of leaks and non-stop
shrill, shrieking,
Wagnerian hyperbole by thoughtful, mainstream analysts
like Rush Limbaugh
and Hannity will have dominated the discourse so
thoroughly that the Democrats
will gather around the microphones en masse like a
quivering mound of aspic
and feebly point to the fact that the report contains
no proof while pronouncing in
dolorous tones that Clinton is, nonetheless,
deplorable and reprehensible and Al
Gore freakishly lied about his wife's shoe size to

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