Thursday, November 28, 2002

My Letter to Leno

Dear Jay

You were right on your show last night. And Gore and Daschle were wrong.
It is not the likes of Limbaugh or Moonie Times they should have taken issue with (and
what's a
little anthrax between friends, right?). At least these mouthpieces are quite transparent
in their
RNC connections. They don't seriously contend that they are anything else.
It's the "liberal media" - The New York Times, CNN and the NBC they should take issue
The New York Times which publishes a poll analysis and gushes about Bush's
neglecting to mention the newsworthy finding that only 32% would vote for him in 2004.
It's CNN
which beats the drums of war without bothering to tell us why that war is so necessary.
It's people like you who called my senator "trailer trash" in an interview once. You are
mainstream, you are not benign, you are vicious propaganda outlets of the thugs in
And, for your information: Paul Wellstone's memorial was one of the few moments this
when I felt proud and hopeful for the cause of the many. No amount of vicious venom
from you
and your cohorts is going to take this away - not from the numerous young people
themselves Wellstone Democrats these days. And, NO. Our mourning and celebrating
our best,
does not entitle you to fill the airwaves with hatred and violence. Nothing does.
I had not watched you - never having considered you funny - even before you came out
of the
right wing closet. But I did have friends and family who did. I called in a few favors and
promised to turn you off for good . With most, it was very easy. One word did it:

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