Sunday, April 04, 2004

Joined: 09 Nov 2003
Posts: 18
Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2004 12:53 am    Post subject: Thanks for Peace and Serenity on the 405 Commute
I drove to work without a strong desire to rearend the car ahead of me after another Bill O'Lielly hypocritical comment. I was calm and serene as I exited the freeway, unlike after an hour and a half of Limbaughisms. There were no new finger marks in the steering wheel after another republican talking point uttered by Hannity. My blood pressure was normal when I arrived home with no strong urge to kick the dog as I didn't have to hear Larry Elder act as a shill for the Bushies, or Michael Scavenger as a raving lunatic. Thank God for Air America, restoring a sense of reason on the talk radio airways. I will, however, occasionally tune in to the other stations simply to percolate the adrenaline on those days in which it is needed and I can't find a Starbucks. Keep up the good work.Back to top

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