Thursday, April 01, 2004

loony left attacks Clarke:
The Village Voice has a guy on the cover - sleazy looking Smith guy - complaining he was "drudged". he was minding his business attacking Clarke for his own reasons and now the RW is using his article! I was with him up to this point, but he is now insulting democrats writing him hateful letters and...has a page size photo of his ugly mug ....holding a yellow rose.
and on DU there's this thread: 24447#
u Apr-01-04 09:37 AM
Original message
Why I don't trust Richard Clarke
After roaming around the internet this morning, googling terms like Richard Clarke, Steven Emerson and Mossad, lot's of interesting stuff pops up and some of it causes me to have some grave concerns about what is going on here with this whole Clarke thing.
Last week Clarke was my hero, however, I am not sure what Clarke's real agenda is or what is motivating him to come out at this point in time? For those of us on the left, I had thought we had our John Dean, a WH insider who was willing to come out and tell the truth. Now a week later, I am not so sure.
For me, Clarke's biggest problem is that he believes that we haven't done enough to fight the war on terror. Clarke main motivation is to expand the war on terror, not bringing down the Bush WH or outing neocons or anything like that. For Clarke, we will never commit enough, money, people and resources to win the fight against al Qaeda. However, what Clarke and so many others in the Intel business don't realize is that you will never win the war on terror by fighting it. By spending more and committing more resources and invading countries like Afghanistan, you will only create more terrorism, not less. Just look at the last 3 years, since we have started to focus enormous resources on this war. Are we safer, have we put all the terrorists in jail, have we stopped their sources of funding, have we reduced the number of terrorist attacks on civilian targets? No!
The only way to win the war is to spend more on peace. That is a fundamental concept that guys like Clarke usually don't understand. As a matter of fact, if the CIA, FBI, M15 and Mossad were to be shut down and all that money spent on helping make society better, we wouldn't have to worry very much about terrorism. Of course, you will still have your wackos who like to blow things up and kill people but can anyone prevent a determined killer from carrying out a pre-planned murder? But I can assure you, those kind of attack would be rare and not the norm.
So on one hand, I am very glad that someone like Clarke has come in from the cold, while on the other hand, we need to be careful about unknowingly support the agenda that many of us have worked so hard to stop.
So even though it seems like Clarke is on our side, we just need to understand where he is really coming from and then us that knowledge to our advantage.

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