Tuesday, June 01, 2004

(#66) (Rated 5.00/1)

by Vicky (Vicky at forclark dot com) on 06/01/2004 11:32:23 AM EST

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Okay, Monkey, you want a little humor for the day? (Or maybe it will be chagrined frustration...) This is the result of a mock election this past week in a Montana Middle School:
If East Middle School students had the vote, John Kerry and Wesley Clark would trounce their opponents in the primary, and J.D. Lynch and Paul Babb would face-off for chief executive in the general election.
Those are the results of a mock primary election held at the school Wednesday and Thursday. All 700 students voted, casting sample ballots in social studies classes.
In the presidential category, Kerry received 300 votes compared to 167 for John Edwards. Republican Wesley Clark also defeated incumbent President George Bush with 135 votes to 89.
Now, look, Republican Clark TROUNCED Bush. If Montanans think of Clark as having had Republican leanings in the past, all the better for a Kerry-Clark ticket in the mountain states!! It COULD be Montana's version of a not-going-to-happen Kerry-McCain ticket. These kids cast 435 votes for Kerry and Clark opposed to 256 for Edwards and Bush. There's a dynamic operating here that I think we should pay attention to.
Wes is scary smart. Let's hope Kerry is as well.

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