Thursday, June 03, 2004

(#82) (Rated 5.00/2)

by Donna Z on 06/02/2004 11:44:52 PM EST

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Having just about caught up with the threads I missed, I'm ready for a few quick comments:
First, thank you to dear wonderful Tina! My WesPAC button arrived today, and everyone is correct that KnightRider deserves major Kudos. Team Clark is one amazing organization.
Wes's email also arrived. I will be contributing although I'm considering snail mail for that. All $$$ will go to him and Mr Z will appreciate my sparing the credit card. I'll make it so when I'm on the computer that is connected to the printer, and yes, I'll post at WesDems to make the pie higher.
I wrote to CNN about cutting the Kerry press conference...Good idea Blackie in Canada. I also requested less opinion and more facts and policy.
Kay, the call is wonderful news! One thing that might be mentioned is Clark's endorsement by the American Indian Tribes. That is a very important segment of your voters. IIRC, Kerry did not fill out the questionaire for that endorsement, and Clark's appearance at some of the summer gatherings might help with the People. I would certainly suggest reaching out early and often to them. Unlocking victory will take many keys. My friend who lives part of the year in NM and is an American Indian, tells me that the big issue is
So General Clark is in the Ukraine? When I told Mr. Z that Wes was at a press conference there and didn't have on the headset for the translation, Mr. Z's comment was: shrub needs them when the conference is in English. Hahahahaha!
I wish we could write to the person who writes those blurbs on the MSNBC VP poll. Military my a**. Does he realize that Wes has many degrees including economics, and many talents, and many, many interests. Yes, a winning General knows about foreign policy and the military, but limiting those comments to only those credentials misrepresents Clark and fails to credit those of us who support him. (Huff!)
Compliments to all for a most informative blog. Thanks for the links, your time, and your encouraging words.

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