Tuesday, June 15, 2004

[new] (#221) (No rating)

by Lara (Lara at forclark dot com) on 06/15/2004 12:12:51 PM EST

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Spongebob Squarepants would make a better VP than Edwards:

1. He's much more polite and wouldn't hot the spotlight.
2. His natural absorbancy will protect him from Rovarian onslaughts and from leaking any private information. It would also allow him to help Kerry clean up after the mess the current administration will leave him.
3. He looks good in a tie for formal functions.
4. He is punctual and always shows up to perform his duties at work, unlike Senator Gone.
5. He is a favorite of younger voters.
See - even a cartoon character has more qualifications than certain other media creations!

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