Monday, November 24, 2003

The anti-Goldilocks strikes again! Pledge? What Pledge?

By Robbedvoter [Add to my Buddy List]
Posted to Robbedvoter's weblog (News and Links) on Mon Nov 24th, 2003 at 09:54:38 PM EST

Reply-To: Wesley Clark, the retired general and presidential candidate, insisting that the Republican National Committee pull a TV ad charging that President Bush's critics are attacking him "for attacking the terrorists," said on CBS' Face the Nation that the ad "violate [s] the pledge the president made not to exploit 9/11 for political purposes." 24&ID=Ar00102 Now, just between us, we know that Bush made no such pledge. They always accuse democrats of politicizing 9.11 whenever they bring it up, no matter how legitimate the context. Not only didn't Bush make such a pledge, he set his nomination to be made in NYC - next to Ground Zero - on the eve of 9.11. They even arranged for the cornerstone of the new construction on the Ground Zero to be set during the RNC convention - effectively making 9.11 the exclusive ownership of RNC. Of course, as Clark said, one cannot take credit without shouldering liabillity. So, Bush and RNC should be reminded that 9.11 is not an accomplishment but a tragic, colossal failure. And what's the best way of doing it without being accused of "politicizing " 9.11? Turning the tables around: Bush violated his own pledge. What pledge? Well, can anyone ask this question?

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