Monday, November 10, 2003

Why is CNN supporting Dean?

72. Miran
I was just about to post on that very fact. Note, CNN doesn't even say it's ,only one point - it leaves the difference to the reader imagination.
A bit of explanation on the reasons: remember yesterday I brough you this nugget of information:

CORPORATE MEDIA: According to Center for Responsive Politcs, the second biggest donor to Dean presidential campaign is AOL/Time Warner executives and employees.

least any of you wonder if Aol/Time Warner (owners of CNN) were suddenly seduced by Boo-Boo's cockroaches/CF rhetoric + civil unions state governor, there is this: the guy who heads AOL/Time Warner is called Steve Case. He is a right wing ideologue known by GLBT activists for his(wife's) donations to religious groups who try to "convert gays to straightness". So, why is Case giving to Boo-Boo?
When he acquired Time Warner Case had a scarinng Ashcroft-like speech. There was that code word there about his commitment to "changing the world"
So, why is Case giving to Boo-Boo? Why is CNN whitewashing Boo-Boo?

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