Saturday, November 29, 2003

War vote, schmwar vote - just make the damn thing stop! Remove from Hotlist
By Robbedvoter [Add to my Buddy List]
Posted to Robbedvoter's weblog on Thu Nov 20th, 2003 at 07:00:34 AM EST
Who cares now a day how everyone voted? (except for some rabbid  Dean&Kuchinich supporters)?
   Many parents confronted with fighting siblings came to the point of saying: "I don't care who started it, just make it stop"
I just surprised myself realizing that  while reading and viewing Dean's spot attacking  Gephardt.
I was one of these people almost saying: "I'll never vote for someone who voted for the war". Gephardt was especially eggregious in his actions - his support for Bush undercut the Senate vote on the Biden Lugar amendment . It was a timid amendment, but the votes were there for it.
    Still, while watching that ad I realized: who cares at this point?
All these purity tests are playing well to the converted, not to the majority that wanted the war (yeah, even Democrats, unfortunately).
   That's why, in the field of "others" - Kerry looks increasingly better than Dean who comes off as some  fanatic counting the drops of blood required for racial purity.
  The whole "flip-flop" fabricated issue about Clark is becoming more irrelevant with each body coming back home. Clark is the guy who can stop it - everything else is talmudic hairsplitting to rile the faithful.

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