Saturday, November 29, 2003

How to (not) make me explode - rant

Some months ago on DU (I was candidateless then) I spotted some Nadercamp positions "how W staying in there will be good for us" kind of thingy. After peeling myself from the ceiling, I was able to articulate something like this: "I don't care what candidate you support, I don't care where you are coming from - Democrat, GOP, Green, alien, freeper, troll - if your goal is to work towards ending the present junta in power you are all my brothers in arms - if not, you are my enemy"
It was appreciated as a rallying cry - although the "who cares" crowd objected: "Isn't that an "are you with us or against us" thingy?" Yes, it is. I made no excuses. Not committing to this larger goal at this time in history puts you in the seat opposed to mine. So: CHOOSE!
Of course, I am more specific these days: to be with me, you have to support Wesley Clark - although I still see the common goal with the rest of them.
I appreciate the huge array of interests, backgrounds and make-ups of our people: philosophers, veterans, Democrats, Republicans, Natural Law, Christians, Pagans,Budhists sportsmen and geeks, peaceniks, students, old hippies,moderates, - we are certainly a worthy sample of America. And I do revel in our differences. It takes a beautifully complex man like Wesley Clark to attract such diversity.
There's one difference from me I can't stand though: lack of passion. being vague and wishy washy about the common goal sends me back to the ceiling. When I read stuff like "It's not nice to attack out president, he is a very nice man who sacrificed his Thanksgiving to be with the troops and he he was too elected so stop saying that" I can only ask one question: "Why are you here?"
But that's just me. Don't push that one button, and we are brothers (or sisters). The more passionate you are, the more I love you

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